Is BMS (Building Management System) an appropriate response to the requirements of GMP monitoring ?
During our missions, we are often exchanging with our industrial clients on the appropriateness of using a BMS to set up a monitoring system meeting
During our missions, we are often exchanging with our industrial clients on the appropriateness of using a BMS to set up a monitoring system meeting
The IVTracer software integrates measurements of air or water quality, temperature, pressure, hygrometry The solution is designed and developed entirely by NetCeler and can be
Located in the heart of Lyon Biopôle, ACCINOV is an innovative biotechnology platform, offering a unique solution in Europe: 100% GMP compatible production labs, with medical
To see the video Created in 2000, IVTracer is the monitoring solution for monitoring and tracing all critical parameters in the most extreme environments. Environmental
A particle counter makes it possible to count the number of particles in a given volume and to classify them according to their size. There
The clean rooms, delimited spaces within which the dust classes, temperature, hygrometry and pressures are known and controlled, allow operators to evolve and handle products